MMI in few words...
The company
MMI : International medical management helps patients to get medial care abroad by combining efficiency, humanity and comfort. Our services are designed to public organizations (health insurance funds) and private organizations (commercial companies, insurance companies) wishing their affiliates and nationals to benefit of quality medical care. These services are also available to private patients through medical centers, private clinics, hospitals or associations.
The mission
The mission of Management Médical International is to organize health services by relying on a network of doctors and surgeons as well as medical facilities, clinics to offer the guarantee of the best care and the best services. MMI markets its services through its three partners, Ambassade Esthétique, Ambassade Médicale Internationale and Ambassade Esthétique Afrique.
Our medical expertises

Cancerology- Oncology Cardeology Cardio intervention Dermatology Diabetology Endocrinology Diagnostic Tests Gastroenterology Hematomology Hepatology Infectiousness Internal medicine Nephrology Neurology Ophthalmology ENT Pediatrics Pneumology Radiotherapy Rheumatology

Carcinological surgery Cardiac surgery Digestive surgery Plastic surgery Thoracic surgery Vascular surgery Genecology Neurosurgery Orthopedics Urology Obesity surgery
Dental Care

* Oral surgery * Endodontie * Implantology * Conservative Odontology * Dento-facial orthopedics * Dental prosthesis
MMI Management
"Examine whether what you promise is right and possible because the promise is debt." said Confucius. It is important that we can bring hope, not illusions. In other words, our role is to do everything possible to enable patients to be treated as best as possible. Our role is also to provide them with an optimal quality of stay so that their morale contributes to their recovery.
- Docteur Xavier Latouche
"Beauty heals us of our doubts. Aesthetic emotion is a re-learning of self-esteem. »Charles Pépin. "Beauty seduces the flesh to obtain permission to pass to the soul." Simone Weil. Dr. Latouche and I were passionate from the start for this surprising and original adventure: to offer cosmetic surgery "elsewhere and otherwise. Our approach is global and unifying: it links the physical, the psychic, the emotional and the social. Each being is unique: our goal is to offer a tailor-made aesthetic intervention adapted to his personality and way of life. Beauty is subjective and everyone cultivates a self-image that they may wish to improve while staying on their own, but even better!
- Chantal Higy-Lang